Monday, September 8, 2008

My First Belly Laugh in Months

Jack and Jessie and I took the hard trail again today. Since Jessie would never make it on her own, I hooked her up to Jack, as usual. He certainly didn't hide his boredom, but he was game and kept moving.

Then he saw a squirrel. He bunched up over his hind legs for the launch, but I grabbed the belly loop of his harness just in time. He sprang, but, because of the restraint, his momentum took him up instead of forward. He levitated with great vigor over and over and over. When he realized that he was bounding in one spot, he started emitting a sharp bark with each launch, as if to add some thrust. I laughed till I cried. I tried to capture it for you, but by the time I got the camera ready, he had figured out the game and it wasn't as vigorous. Still, it's pretty funny.


Sus Mettler said...

So much energy to spend and nowhere to go!

Lindsey said...

Oh, what friends they have become. That's cute. The second video was funny. I can only imagine what would happen to Jesse had Jack took off after something. It was a funny, yet sad thought.