Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Big Walk

According to the map, it's 1200 feet rise in 1/2 mile. It takes us about 2 hours to do the whole circuit.


End of Stage 1--looking down at the parking lot (the car is a little gray dot just over Jack's shoulder), then up to the destination.
IMG_1598 IMG_1600

End of Stage 2--same as above
IMG_1601 IMG_1602

End of Stage 3--I wanted Jack to sit and pose for the picture. He was reluctant, but sat. Sort of. He kept trying to lift one haunch then the other. That's when I noticed he was sitting on an ant swarm. About the time I realized that meant I was standing in the same swarm. That was about the time they started biting me. Needless to say, the shoot was short! IMG_1603 IMG_1604

End of Stage 4--Sandy first (my house), Provo second (Grandma's house)



Stage 5--The top. The first level ground since the car. Then the road down

IMG_1612 IMG_1611


And finally, the bottom again.



Liv said...

That is absolutely incredible! I wish so much I could hike it with you... Have you been looking for evidence of the fault? You're hiking straight up it and i'm sure there are lots of cool scars on the rocks.

Sus Mettler said...

Man oh man what I wouldn't give for a mountain in my backyard. Sigh. Today I got to bike up a 100 foot hill. I could see a whole quarter mile down the road ahead of me. How exciting.